Common women problems: Gynecological cancers

Did you know that gynecological cancers are a serious problem and are among the common women problems? Today I would love us to look at;
a.    Definition of cancer,
b.    Areas affected,
c.    Causes of cancer,
d.    Presentations,
e.    Prevention and,
f.    Management of gynecological cancers.

Cancer is uncontrolled growth of body cells which gets embedded in a particular part of the body and these are now useless cells.
The cancers do affect different parts of the reproductive system which includes;

1.    Cancer of the vulva: In this case it stars as a small swelling which letter progresses into cancer and this is common among older women above 70 years of age.
2.    Cancer of the vagina :This presents with offensive smell and  inter-menstrual  bleeding
3.    Cancer of the cervix: This presents as like cancer of the vagina and is associated with smoking and at times can also be associated with pills and immune suppression. It’s common among women below 45 years of age.
4.    Cancer of the uterus.
5.    Endometrio cancer: it presents with prolonged bleeding which is not menstrual, and it can be associated with hormonal replacement therapy and post-menopausal factors common among women between 45-60 years.
6.    Cancer of the fallopian tubes: This is a rear type.
7.    Cancer of the ovaries: It presents with abdominal discomfort, weight loss and swelling of the abdomen.

The most common type is cervical cancer and it is caused by a virus (HPV).The other cancers have no specific causes but there are risk factors which can predispose you to cancer which includes;
·    Genetic predisposition.
·    Early sexual exposure.
·    Having multiple partners.
·    Having too many children.
·    Co-infection with other medical conditions, and
·    Smoking.
Remember, almost all cancers can be prevented by;
1.    Behavior change for example in smokers and abstaining in younger women.
2.    You catch the disease and treat it before it turns into cancer, like in cancers of the vulva, vagina and cervix.
3.    Tumor markers can be used to detect any change in size of the ovaries.
4.    Early screening at least at 25yrs, if found negative repeat the screening every after 3-5yrs.
5.    Cancer of the cervix can be prevented by vaccination with the HPV vaccine.
However all early stages of cancer can be cured and treatment is basically;
Ø    Surgical:
This process involves the total taking out of the affected part for example cancer of the cervix.
Ø    Radiotherapy:
In this case, pre-cancer is treated by destroying the cancer cells, the cells can also be destroyed by hitting or freezing.
Ø    Treatment can also be by provision of drugs.

Please ensure that you visit a health facility for early cancer screening and treatment whenever you get any worrying sign of cancer.

Authors Bio: Prepared by Nakabugo Flavia, An enrolled comprehensive nurse .working with the public service In Uganda, expert writer at good life press, I love sharing educative info with people who share the same passion and interest; you can contact me on my Facebook page or on Google+ profile.