Common Congenital Abnormalities focused on (Hydrocephalus)

Today I would love us to look at hydrocephalus, a life threatening condition often referred to as “water on the brain” which can be treated by surgical placement of a shunt system. This condition can also occur where there is too much cerebral spinal fluids in the ventricles (cavities) of the brain.  
Cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) is produced in the brain and is needed by the body to protect the brain and the spinal code, it carry’s away waste from the brain cells. too much cerebral spinal fluids puts a harmful amount of pressure onthe brain tissues and treatment is needed to release this pressure, hydrocephalous can be present at birth or develop later in child hood or adult hood. In adults it is usually normal pressure hydrocephalous (NPH) and this usually develops in people with over 60 years because the drainage of the cerebral spinal fluids gradually becomes blocked.

Causes of Hydrocephalus
HC can affect most children born with spina bifida (SB) but there can be other causes like the damage to the blood supply or an infection may affect the body’s development before birth.
Many babies with hydrocephalous are also born prematurely.
HC is often associated with conditions that affect the brain or spinal column such as meningitis and spina bifida. Currently 80-90% of people with spina bifida also have hydrocephalous. Other types of the condition can also be caused by cysts or tumors in the brain that block the flow of the cerebral spinal fluids however the main cause for congenital hydrocephalous is  not known.

Symptoms of hydrocephalous
In children: since the skull is still forming and the bones are not yet fixed together as in adulthood, HC can cause enlargement of the child’s head , other symptoms include
Vomiting, Delayed growth and development, Sun setting eyes, Poor feeding, Head growing bigger than the normal size, Irritability and less movement than normal.
Many children with hydrocephalous also display symptoms that can be mistaken for nuttiness such as verbal aggression and swearing, hyperactivity, not paying attention and generally usual behaviors and they may also experience leaning difficulties at school.
In Adults: The skull is fixed and cannot adjust to change in pressure but they can present with the following symptoms:-
Headache followed by vomiting, Nausea, Downward deviation of the eyes (the eyes look downwards) , Urinary incontinence, Poor coordination (Clumsiness), Difficulty in walking , irritability and other changes in personality.

Treatment of hydrocephalus
The aim of any treatment for hydrocephalous is to release the pressure on the brain caused by the buildup for cerebral spinal fluids.
If the cause of hydrocephalus is a tumor on the brain then surgery to remove the tumor may be carried out, for all other causes, a shunt operation may be required.
HC affect both mental and physical development and thus a team of specialists is often required to assist with treatment for this condition but with the right treatment and a lot of support, many people with HC live a normal life with a few limitations.

On the other hand, if HC is no treated other complications like blindness spasticity (cerebral palsy) and brain damage can occur.

Prevention of hydrocephalus
Folic acid when taken has been proved to be effective as a primary prevention to avoid neural tube defects including spina bifida. in order to derive enough folic acids from foods , one has to eat more than different types of fruits per a day like mangoes and guavas among others with the highest rate of folic acid.

Other foods include:
Fresh avocado , spinach, fresh mangoes, pawpaw’s, cooked green peas , cooked fresh maize, cooked pumpkin leaves, fresh bananas , boiled eggs , boiled cassava, properly cooked liver among others.
Finally the following is also important

Myths about Hydrocephalous:
It cannot be transmitted through contact with an infected person, HC is not a curse, It cannot be transmitted through toilet seats or door handles, It is not an air born disease, There is no witchcraft involved

Fats about hydrocephalus:
It is curable, The patients need medical rehabilitation, Pregnant mothers need to eat food rich in folic acid, Children with HC are still children and need to be loved and cared for, Fathers with such children need to support the mothers of these children . 

Contributed by: N Flavia , A regular Contributor at lifespot Icons , An experienced  comprehensive nurse working with the Uganda Local government